Toledo Public Schools Launches New Aerospace & Natural Science Academy
Toledo Public Schools held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their newest academy located at Toledo Express Airport. This is the district’s fourth magnet school.
Dr. Romules Durant, CEO/superintendent of Toledo Public Schools and Amy Daunhauer, the new ANSAT director, were joined by Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, City of Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz and other community leaders as they open the school.
Located at Toledo Express Airport (11600 W. Airport Service Rd.) in Swanton, the new academy is open to students throughout northwest Ohio. It will have a Career Tech focus in several growing industries: aviation and aeronautics; animal science and management; urban agriculture and agribusiness and environmental sustainability and wildlife management. There will be project-based, cross-curricular learning in a high-tech environment. Students can earn college credit, industrial credentials and employment after graduation.